The Net
The Net is St. Andrew’s weekly email newsletter. These blog postings feature the weekly parish letter. You can signup to receive the entire weekly email by using the form below.
Make a Choice this Lent
Make the choice to observe the season of Lent, our forty-day preparation for Easter, with purpose.
How Eating Pancakes is being the Hands & Feet of Christ
The most exciting part about Shrove Tuesday doesn’t have to be about the food.
“We built this for you.”
What a wonderful Sunday we had with Fr. Mike and Laurie Michie.
February Hands&Feet Update
There are many ways that you can be involved in Outreach that meet your level of comfort and interest.
It’s not Groundhog Day for the Church
February 2nd in the church’s life is not actually Groundhog Day. It’s the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple.
Supergroups are Going to be Super!
Maybe you’re like me and you’ve been meaning to sign up for Supergroups but just haven’t quite gotten there yet.
Annual Meeting This Sunday
This Sunday is St. Andrew’s Annual Parish Meeting.
Hands&Feet: Beginning the new year strong
Well January is gearing up to be a busy month…