Annual Meeting This Sunday
Dear Friends,
This Sunday is St. Andrew’s Annual Parish Meeting. We will hold it between the services, and in order to allow for more space (i.e. less close-contact), we have made the decision to move it from Michie Hall to the Great Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting will also be available as a livestream on Zoom (just to be clear, those joining us online will not be able to vote).
Annual Meeting on Zoom
If you’ve never been to an Annual Parish Meeting before, it’s a chance for us to come together as a parish to look at how we’ve been doing and what lies ahead. This includes our financial reports — both how we did in 2021 and our Vestry-approved budget for 2022. It also includes my “State of the Church” address, in which I’ll try to identify some of the larger themes I seen in our life together and share where we’re going in the year to come. We’ll have our 2021 Year-in-Review slideshow (always a favorite) and thank our outgoing Vestry members.
There is also some official business we must conduct as a parish, including the election of new vestry members and delegates to Diocesan Convention.
If you did not see the insert in last Sunday’s bulletin, you can review the information about our three vestry candidates here. I am grateful to our nominating committee for their hard work in identifying and asking this fine group of candidates.
Our candidates for delegate to Diocesan Convention are the same as our delegates last year: Ron Arthur, Suzanne Cecil, Susan Gelinger, Tracy Hutchison, and Judy Thompson.
All confirmed members of St. Andrew’s are eligible to vote.
I hope you’ll make plans to stay a little late after worship, or come a little early to the second service, and participate in our 2022 Annual Meeting.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew
PS: Our written Annual Parish Report will be available in printed form at the meeting. Links to a digital copy will also be provided.