“We built this for you.”

Dear Friends,

What a wonderful Sunday we had with Fr. Mike and Laurie Michie. It did my heart much good to hear those stories of St. Andrew’s founding, and to feel the love and affection that is literally baked into this church’s history. If you didn’t get a chance to hear the sermon, and especially if you don’t know these stories already, here’s a friendly reminder that all our sermons are available online.

For almost everyone I’ve heard from, the most striking part of Mike’s sermon was when he spoke to those who have come since he and Laurie left and whom he had not yet met. He said, “We built this for you.”

That’s the truth. And it’s as true of the relationships and our community as it is of the building itself.

And today, we’re continuing to build St. Andrew’s — building our ministries, building our buildings, and building our service to the community — for those who aren’t yet here yet. And we’re doing all of it by building relationships that lead to Christ.

There are lots of chances for us to be a church for “the messed up and the dressed up” (as Fr. Mike put it) below. I hope you’ll find one or more that appeal to you, and I’ll see you there.

In Christ,

Fr. Andrew


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