Worship Teams
Why serve on a Worship Team?
Worship Teams are the way we at St. Andrew’s organize our Sunday worship ministries. Each of our 8 Worship Teams is lead by a couple or an individual, and the team consists of members who work together to lead one service a month.
Worship Team Roles
Torch Bearers
Torches enhance the solemnity and festivity of worship. Torch Bearers are included in the procession, the Gospel procession and recession during worship. (8+ y/o)
The crucifer carries the cross during the beginning (the processional) and the end (recessional) of the service. The crucifer also handles lighting the candles, assists with reading of the Gospel, handling the offering plates and assists clergy in preparation for the Eucharist. (10+ y/o)
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild stewards the Lord’s Table, preparing the Altar and Chancel area for Holy Eucharist on Sunday and at special services. (16+ y/o)
Running the worship livestream from the sound booth involves controlling cameras, on-screen overlays, and the streaming software so that our worship is online for visitors and those who cannot be with us in person. (14+ y/o)
The sound person controls the microphones and adjusts levels during worship so that the music and speakers can be heard by all. Can be done from the sound booth or sitting in the congregation with an iPad. (14+ y/o)
Children’s Church Teachers
Lead Children’s Church classes by age group during the first part of the service (readings and sermon). Curriculum and hand-on materials provided for each week. 2 leaders per class. (Teachers: adults; Helpers: 6th grade+)
Greeters welcome members and visitors alike to worship. They set the welcoming and warm tone for the rest of the Sunday experience. (12+ y/o, or serve with family)
Hospitality (Coffee/Donuts)
9 am hospitality host makes coffee and puts out food for coffee hour after the 9 am service. The 11 am host makes additional coffee, if needed, and then cleans up the 11 am service.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Chalice Bearers bear the presence of Christ to the members of the congregation in the consecrated wine. They serve as both witnesses and participants as communicants draw near to Christ in an act of faith. (18+ y/o)
Lay Readers
Readers proclaim the Word of God to the congregation and pray on behalf of all of us at the Prayers of the People. (12+ y/o)
Ushers guide and assist the flow of the worshippers within the Sunday morning service. By making sure things run smoothly, ushers help our members and guests experience the presence of God. (12+ y/o, or with family)