Make a Choice this Lent

Dear Friends,

Today I invite you to make a choice. Make the choice to observe the season of Lent, our forty-day preparation for Easter, with purpose. Whether you give something up, take something on, attend a new series at St. Andrew’s, avoid meat on Fridays, try a new practice of prayer, or do something else entirely, make a choice to set these days apart as different and special.

If you do so, they will make Easter feel different and special, that is always worth it, for the Easter feast of Christ’s resurrection is the very heart of our Christian faith.

Lent begins today, on Ash Wednesday. We have two services at St. Andrew’s today, one at 12:00 noon and one at 7:00 pm. Both services include the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. The 7:00 pm service is also streamed online. At that service, I’ll invited you in the name of the Church to the observance of a holy Lent.

Here’s are some ways to say “Yes!” to that invitation here at St. Andrew’s this season:

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays, 12:00 noon, Great Hall

Adoration is a devotional practice of spending time before the reserved consecrated bread in which our Lord Jesus Christ is sacramentally present. We believe that Christ is truly present in the reserved sacrament at all times (that’s why the red sanctuary candle is lit over the tabernacle), but adoration is a special time to focus one’s attention on Christ’s presence and be before Him in prayer and reflection. You’re welcome to spend as little time or as much time in silent prayer as you wish. We’ll have devotional guides available for those who are new to this practice and would like some direction.

Morning Prayer: Tuesdays, 7:30 am, Garden Chapel

The service of Morning Prayer is a beautiful and powerful way to begin your day with readings, psalms, and prayers. In fact, Morning (and Evening) Prayer is the heart of our Anglican history and practice — come experience the fullness of what our beautiful tradition has to offer us. Morning Prayer will be said in the Great Hall if the weather is bad.

Healing Eucharist: Wednesdays, 6:00 pm, Great Hall

Each week during Lent we’ll have a spoken service of Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing. You can come requesting prayers for yourself or a loved one in need of healing, and the clergy will offer special prayers with anointing. Childcare is available.

Dinner and Discipleship: Wednesdays, 6:45 pm, Michie Hall

Wednesday Night Dinner for everyone will be in Michie Hall at 6:45 each week. Our discipleship programs for youth and adults (see below for descriptions) will start at 7:15 and be done by 8:00 pm. Childcare is available.

In Christ,

Fr. Andrew


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