Ancient Tradition. Modern Context.
Worship at St. Andrew’s is rooted in ancient tradition and practiced in a modern context. Each week, we celebrate the death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord through the practice of communion, to which all baptized Christians are welcome.
Additionally, you will participate in the singing of hymns and songs of worship, the hearing of the Word, the proclaiming of the creeds, and the sharing of prayers and thanksgivings. For younger worshipers, each week features a children’s sermon with messages geared toward elementary age kids.
However you choose to worship with us, we’re glad to have you be a part of our St. Andrew’s community!
Service Offerings
Early Service (8 am)
This quiet and reflective service is just the spoken liturgy without music.
Contemporary Music Service (9 am)
Music for this service is led by the praise band and features more contemporary musical selections including songs you might hear on the radio.
Traditional Music Service (11 am)
Music for this service is led by Laura Bray, St. Andrew’s Music Director, and features more traditional musical selections, primarily from the hymnal.
From September through May, this service is also led by the St. Andrew’s Adult Choir.
Participate Online (9 am)
The contemporary music services can be participated with online, live with the in-person service, on our YouTube channel or on Facebook.
The announcements for online worshippers are available for download as a PDF.
Frequently Asked Questions
What about visitors?
First, welcome! We’d love to say hi, so please let one of the ushers or greeters know you’re visiting and they’ll be happy to help with any questions you have.
Is there a nursery? What about Children’s Church?
The nursery is open for children ages 0-3. During the service, elementary aged children will be dismissed for Children’s Church. They will return midway through the service. Children may also stay in the service, if preferred.
Will there be communion?
Yes. We will distribute Holy Communion in the form of bread and wine. The consecrated wine will be offered from two chalices: a chalice for drinking (common cup) and a chalice for intinction (dipping the bread). Gluten-free wafers are also available. Further instructions about communion are given by the clergy during worship. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion.
Will there be singing?
Yes, congregational singing is welcome and encouraged.
Will we pass the Peace?
We will certainly share Christ’s peace with one another, and you may do so without making physical contact, if you choose. A nod and a smile will be understood and appreciated.
Will you pass the offering plates?
Yes, the offering plates will be passed. If you prefer, you may also give online (including an option using your mobile device).
Will the clergy be shaking hands and greeting us as we leave the service?
Clergy will be happy to greet you after the service ends. They’ll also happily bump elbows or fists, if you’d prefer.
Will there be a time and place for fellowship?
We have fellowship (and coffee and snacks) between the end of the contemporary music service, at about 10 am, and the start of the traditional music service at 11 am.
Local Community. Global Church.
St. Andrew's is part of the global Anglican Communion, the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Diocese of Dallas.