Hands&Feet: Beginning the new year strong

Dear Friends,

Well January is gearing up to be a busy month...

This Sunday Bishop Sumner will be visiting us to celebrate confirmations, receptions and a baptism. This will be a joyful day to witness, we hope you will be able to join us.

Hands&Feet is off and running this year! The Baggie Brigade was back up here yesterday to repackage much needed hygiene products for the McKinney Little Free Pantry. This group meets once a month and enjoys helping our community partners while sharing in fellowship. Newcomers always welcome.

Our monthly food drive with Feeding Friends and Family is next Wednesday, the 19th, click on the link if you would like to volunteer.

We wrap up the month at the Samaritan Inn with our Lunch Bunch. These volunteers meet the last Saturday of each month to serve lunch and help with kitchen duties. It's a great way to get involved with one of our great community partners and interact with the residents. Just follow this link to sign up! Lunch Bunch sign up

As we head into 2022 we will continue to build and strengthen our relationships within our community that lead us to Christ. Each month in the Net we will highlight one of our community partners, hopefully one of them will spark an interest in you to serve along side of us!

Looking forward to a spectacular 2022!


Lisa Ostrowski
Hands and Feet Director


Annual Meeting This Sunday


Happy Epiphany