The Net
The Net is St. Andrew’s weekly email newsletter. These blog postings feature the weekly parish letter. You can signup to receive the entire weekly email by using the form below.
Hands&Feet Fall Check-in
With your help we at St. Andrew's are accomplishing great deeds in our community!
Introducing Our New Children’s & Family Minister
After over a year of prayer, searching, and discernment, I am so excited to announce that St. Andrew’s has a new Children’s and Family Minister, Holly LaFevers.
Appreciate What God Has Given
Growing up I loved this time of the year.
Your Pet Wants to go to Blessing of the Animals
Woof, woof! Woof! Woooooof! Raarrrgh! Woof. Wo-Woof!
You Should Come to the Shrimp Boil
When it comes to deciding whether you should go to the Shrimp Boil hosted by the Men’s Fellowship, please do not ask yourself “What would Jesus do?”
Welcoming Randy Nelson
Did you ever have an internship? I was a sales intern for Wrangler Jeanswear one summer.
Serving Our Neighbors This Fall
As a new season is upon us, we have multiple opportunities for you to serve our neighbors.
Now Streaming 11 am Service
Since we streamed our first service in March of 2020, we’ve strived to offer a quality streaming service that makes it possible for those not with us in person to be a part of our worshipping community gathered in Christ’s name.