You Should Come to the Shrimp Boil
Dear Friends,
When it comes to deciding whether you should go to the Shrimp Boil hosted by the Men’s Fellowship, please do not ask yourself “What would Jesus do?” Jesus would have had to skip it; he was Jewish.
Shrimp are not kosher. Leviticus 11:10: “All creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales--whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water--you are to detest.” I realize that some of you do detest shrimp, but it’s probably not because of Leviticus. If you don’t like them, that’s ok. We have hot dogs. I don’t know what brand we’ll have; odds are they aren’t kosher either. Jesus probably would have been out on those too.
You, however, are not Jesus and you’re not Jewish. Be like Peter or Paul in Acts; they would have come.
So you too should come and enjoy the Shrimp Boil / Hot Dog Grilling Saturday night at 5 pm. It’ll be a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship. We’ll gather outside near the east end of the building. In addition to the food, we’ll have music, games, and a “tailgate tent” with the A&M / Arkansas game on. Lemonade, tea and water will be available; if you’d like anything else please bring your own.
All the proceeds from the event will help support our youth mission trip next summer. Our youth go do meaningful, impactful work in Jesus’ name, and in turn they draw closer to God in their faith. It’s a great cause.
I hope you’re able to make it Saturday night. If you haven't already, let us know you're coming by emailing the office. And in any case I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday morning.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew