Now Streaming 11 am Service

Dear Friends,

Since we streamed our first service in March of 2020, we’ve strived to offer a quality streaming service that makes it possible for those not with us in person to be a part of our worshipping community gathered in Christ’s name. We’re very conservative in the way analyze the data, but our best guess is that 45-75 people worship with us online each week (not all of them do so live; and there are others who watch the sermons posted separately afterwards). To those of you in-person on Sunday, I encourage you to look around and imagine another 60 people in the room!

This is why we’re happy to announce that we’re now also streaming the 11:00 am service live! Our plan is to stream both services each Sunday going forward. This allows for the breadth of our worship experience, particularly the music, to be available to our online participants. It also allows for a flexibility in time: you can still be with us live even if you aren’t ready at 9 am. While this will likely mean fewer people are watching each individual service, we hope that it increases our total reach and ups our online involvement.

Surely we’ll hit a hiccup or two as we go, so we appreciate your patience. And as always, we welcome your feedback.

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew

PS: We have a stretch goal to include a live lay reader from our online congregation in the service on Sunday this fall via Facetime / Zoom. If you’re regularly online with us, and would be interested in serving in worship that way, please let me know!


Serving Our Neighbors This Fall


Worship is at the Heart of all we Do