The Net
The Net is St. Andrew’s weekly email newsletter. These blog postings feature the weekly parish letter. You can signup to receive the entire weekly email by using the form below.
VBS is Full of Heroes
We have a been having a wonderful time up here at Vacation Bible School this week.
Riinnng!....riinngg!...It's the Hero Hotline!
When the attic ladder at church stays down all week it’s a sure sign that something exciting is happening.
Pentecost & Memorial Day Weekend Events
This is a three-day-double-holiday weekend: It’s Pentecost and Memorial Day. We’re going to observe them both in special ways. So if you’re in town, I hope you’ll make a special effort Sunday to be a part.
Ascension Day
This day is one of the biggest feasts of the church year.
Help Fight Food Insecurity
Well May is here, and summer is right around the corner!
Youth Sunday on Sunday
A lot of the busy-ness of May revolves around our young people, which is why Youth Sunday is also in May.
“Sheep” Groups
Last Sunday I made a note in my sermon asking those who were interested in thinking, discussing and praying through the political and cultural implications God-as-shepherd and us-as-sheep write Sheep on their Connection Cards.
Livestream Changes
If you’re at worship this week, you may notice some changes.