Pentecost & Memorial Day Weekend Events

Dear Friends,

This is a three-day-double-holiday weekend: It’s Pentecost and Memorial Day. We’re going to observe them both in special ways. So if you’re in town, I hope you’ll make a special effort Sunday to be a part.

🔥 Pentecost: Pentecost is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the enabling power of God that gives rise to the Church. Pentecost is often called “the birthday of the church; this will be something like our 1990th birthday party!! Both services have special elements: Our 9 am service will be outside on the front lawn at the Garden Chapel (this will also be the first Eucharist at the new Garden Chapel; bring a lawn chair; the weather looks nice but in case of rain we’ll move indoors). The 11 am service will be indoors and fully air conditioned, and it also will have special music and processional elements.

🇺🇸 Memorial Day: In honor of Memorial Day on Monday, we will have a special Service of Remembrance outside, also at the Garden Chapel, at 10:30 am. This will include the posting of the colors, the singing of the hymnal version of the National Anthem (with 2 verses), prayers, the placement of flags in remembrance of the dead, and the playing for the Armed Forces’ hymns.

Wear red! It's traditional for Pentecost and, as a bonus, will look patriotic for Memorial Day.

If you’re headed out of town, safe travels (and bring Flat Andy!). Otherwise, I look forward to seeing — and celebrating — with you on Sunday.

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew

PS: The livestream on Sunday is still at 9 am. We’re pretty sure it’s going to work 🤞, but if it doesn’t we’ll stream the 11 am service later.


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