Riinnng!....riinngg!...It's the Hero Hotline!
Dear Friends,
When the attic ladder at church stays down all week it’s a sure sign that something exciting is happening. Another good clue is the “neon cave” that you’ll have to pass through on Sunday to get to the coffee and donuts.
VBS is almost here — close enough that you’ll get a taste on Sunday even though the big set pieces won’t go up until after the 11 am service. Our theme this year is Hero Hotline, and it’s all about how we can be heroes for God, discovering God’s call for each of us.
There are very few church events in which such a wide cross-section of the parish is represented. Our youngest “heroes” are 3; our oldest volunteers (also heroes) are in their 80s! How cool is that? And very many of you that can’t be up here during the week have donated — thank you.
Would you commit to praying for VBS? Pray for our volunteers, staff, and the kids, but chiefly that God would use all this effort (and fun) and powerfully impact lives this week. Thank you.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew