The Net
The Net is St. Andrew’s weekly email newsletter. These blog postings feature the weekly parish letter. You can signup to receive the entire weekly email by using the form below.
St. Andrew's Summer Snack Bag Initiative
As summer approaches, I wanted to inform you about a new outreach program for this season.
Let’s Rogate!
This Sunday we’ll be observing Rogation Sunday, which means we’ll rogare — the Latin verb for “ask.”
Prayer List for St. Andrew’s this Summer
At our Annual Parish Meeting on January 21, our Senior Warden, Syd Verinder, announced that I will be going on sabbatical this summer.
Coming to C.L.I.M.B. this Fall
Our C.L.I.M.B. program is coming to an end for the school year, and all our volunteers will soon have a well-deserved summer break.
New Sunday Class on 4 Types of Love
Over the rest of Eastertide, we will be hearing readings about the love of God from 1 John, who famously wrote, “God is love.”
Celebrating a Season of Easter: Beyond Just One Day of Joy
One of the ways we have observed this Easter week at my house is the taking of Easter candy to school.
Easter at St. Andrew’s
We can't say the "A-word" quite yet, but as we are on the cusp of our observance of Christ's passion, death and resurrection, I knelt down and prayed this afternoon for our parish of St. Andrew's.
Palm Sunday & Holy Week
This coming Sunday is commonly known as Palm Sunday. But did you know it has another name?