Works of Mercy in Lent

Hi Friends,

As we continue our journey through Lent, I hope you are finding ways to experience all it has to offer with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Our prayers on Sunday call us to be "fervent in prayer and works of mercy" -- and there are lots of ways to do that at St. Andrew's this season.

The Sunday discussion groups between services are one of my favorite have been one of my favorites this season. There’s also the Wednesday night fellowship dinner and Healing Eucharist service. And on the "works of mercy" front, Hands&Feet has many ways for you to volunteer and give back to our neighbors during this time, like the Baggie Brigade or the Carter blood drive in April.

There is something for everyone to feel connected and grow with a deeper understanding of God’s love for us and others. So please see what else we have planned and chose something that fits for you!

Lisa Ostrowski


A Little More Work to Do


Clergy Conference Report