A Little More Work to Do
Dear Friends,
If you haven’t been out there lately, the Garden Chapel is really coming along. Jennifer Carter has filled the bed around the cross with beautiful plants, the grass is going in soon, and new “sitting rocks” for the service participants have been drug into place.
The Garden Chapel has long been a dream of the Daughters of the King, and we owe its becoming to their generosity and persistence. Bill Buck, David Ritchey, Jennifer Carter, Linda Sullivan, and others have put in countless hours of work.
Those of you who have already attended Lenten Morning Prayer at the chapel know how beautiful it is as a worship space. We will use frequently over the next month: in addition to Morning Prayer, it will be the starting and ending point for Stations of the Cross on Good Friday; we will light the new fire of the Easter Vigil in front of the chapel altar; and then we will have our first full Eucharist service there at Easter Sunrise. Bishop Sumner will consecrate the altar and dedicate the chapel when he visits on April 16.
There is just a little more work to do. Speaking of: today…tomorrow…work day! Come out on Saturday morning at 9:30 am. We have lots to do to get our chapel, and our whole campus, ready for Easter and the beauty of God’s creation at springtime.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew