The Columbarium at St. Andrew’s

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This week we finished installation of the first phase of The Columbarium at St. Andrew's in the Narthex. If you don't know, a columbarium is a collection of niches for funeral urns. The Columbarium at St. Andrew’s will provide a consecrated final resting place for the earthly remains of St. Andrew’s members and their loved ones.

The Columbarium at St. Andrew's is beautiful. Jerry Jeansonne, who also made both our altar and baptismal font, designed and finished the cabinet surrounding the niches, and he did a wonderful job. I'm so excited for you to see it when you come to church on Sunday, or the next time you're here.

To be clear, construction of the Columbarium has been funded exclusively from funds received from the purchase of niches. 16 people have already reserved a spot in The Columbarium at St. Andrew's and they have made it possible for us complete this first phase.

In the coming weeks we'll be having a formal dedication of the Columbarium after services one Sunday.

Having a columbarium has been a part of the vision for St. Andrew's since the very first master plan. More recently, our Columbarium Committee (Jerry Jeansonne, Susan Gelinger, Dan Wilson and David Terry) have been working on this for almost three years. This is the culmination of much prayerful hard work. We as a parish are grateful to them.

In Christ,

Fr. Andrew

Installation of the Columbarium has made some of our Columbarium web page out of date, but the description, costs, and documents there are all still accurate. If you have questions about the Columbarium, please check it out. You can also talk to me or any of the committee members if you have questions.


The Fundamentals of Our Faith


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