Worship is at the Heart of all we Do

Dear Friends,

As I often say in my notes to newcomers, “worship is at the heart of all we do.” That means that serving on a Worship Team and filling one of the lay roles in worship is a way being an important part of the heartbeat of our life, the fountain of the grace that enables and sustains everything else we do.

If you haven’t done so already, please sign up this week to serve on a Worship Team! We have a different Worship Team at each service (9 am and 11 am) for each week of the month (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. That means there are are 8 total teams. There are many jobs on each team: Lay Readers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers (Chalice Bearers), Acolytes, Prayer Partners, Ushers, A/V (Livestream/Sound), Greeters, Coffee/Donuts, and Children’s Church Teachers. You can sign up on the big sheets on the wall in the Great Hall. Don’t skip signing up just because all the lines are taken — there are a lot of duplicate names up there and we’ll spread people out to make sure everyone can serve.

We do, however, have several specific needs:

  • Livestream/Sound (especially at 11:00): Beginning this week we are going to stream both services online, so we need volunteers to help Tim — especially online. Lots of training and help provided!

  • Coffee / Donuts: These neither appear nor get cleaned up by magic fairies each week. Besides our own enjoyment of them, they are a way we show hospitality to guests and visitors.

  • Children’s Church Teachers: This is a great way to get to know our awesome kids and to make a real difference in their knowledge and love of God.

  • I’d also love to have more acolytes so we can have torchbearers and crucifers — everyone over the age of 7 is eligible to serve as an acolyte.

We will have training for all these roles on September 10 at 10 am (Children’s Church Teachers will be September 4 at 10:15 am, between services) — so you can sign up for something you don’t know how to do yet and learn. You’ll also get a complete set of written instructions for each role you are signed up for.

Thank you for considering joining a Worship Team and being a part of something so important. And thank you to our Worship Team Leaders who make the whole thing run so smoothly each week.

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew

PS: If you won’t be a church on Sunday but would like to sign up, please send me an email indicating what you’d like to do and we’ll get you on a team.


Now Streaming 11 am Service


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