Helping Refugees, Feeding the Hungry, and more in Lent

Hi Friends,

As we continue in this season of Lent, I find myself grateful for all the opportunities at St. Andrew's that enable us to strengthen our relationship with Christ. These include: Morning Prayer on Tuesdays, the Healing Eucharist services and Lenten Dinner and Discipleship on Wednesday evenings, and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays, each of which are a wonderful time to reflect and feel the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. I encourage you to find time to participate and grow in faith at one or all of these Lenten services.

I’m so very proud of the people of St Andrew’s, who exemplify giving and willingness to serve our community! We continue to accomplish so much each month, like serving and sponsoring lunch at The Samaritan Inn, helping a refugee mom by providing a baby shower for Gateway of Grace, supporting the McKinney Little Free Pantry with donations and repackaging bulk items for distribution. Your dedication to serving others and building relationships that lead to Christ is amazing! Thank you!

A few highlights of the month are showcased below. If something sparks an interest, please reach out. We'd love to have you!

Don’t forget: Daylight saving time starts this weekend, so get ready to spring forward!

Wishing everyone a happy spring!


Lisa Ostrowski
Outreach Director


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Make a Choice this Lent