Have You Joined a Worship Team Yet?
Dear Friends,
Serving in worship is a wonderful responsibility and powerful opportunity to experience God at work. And we need your help.
At last Sunday's services we announced the launch of "Worship Teams" beginning in September. Worship Teams are small groups that have all the members needed to fill the lay ministry roles at a given Sunday service, such as the "first service (9 am) on the first Sunday of the month"; or "the second service (11 am) on the third Sunday of the month."
Our goal is to allow as many people as possible to use the gifts God has given them in worship, and to do so with the least possible amount of stress, scheduling confusion and hassle. By eliminating all that stress, we'll make worship richer and more engaging for everyone.
If you'd like to read more about the concept and how the teams will work, you can read our overview of worship teams online.
Mostly, we need you to help by volunteering to serve in worship once a month. We have, at minimum, 168 lay ministry roles to fill over the course of the eight Sunday services in a given month! Even if you've never stepped into one of these roles before, please volunteer now.
You can sign-up for the various roles (crucifer/acolytes, greeters, ushers, lay readers, chalice bearers, vestry counters, and children's church teachers) on the large, schematic sign-up diagrams on the wall in the Great Hall. Sign ups will continue this week and will run through Ministry Sunday on August 29. If for some reason you cannot make it to worship over the next two weeks, but would like to sign up for a Worship Team, please email me directly.
Thank you for your service. Leading worship with you is one of the great joys of my life each week.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew