Hands&Feet Going into the Fall

Hi Friends,

Well, it seems like I blinked and now summer is over! We slowed things down a bit with our Hands&Feet ministry during the months of July & August so that all could enjoy some quality family time before the hectic fall schedules begin. I hope you all were able to rest, relax and enjoy!

Now it's time to start revving things up for fall!

There are many way's you can get involved with our Hands&Feet ministry, these are just a few...

  • We will continue with our 3rd Wednesday of the month food distribution in partnership with FFF & CLC.

  • Our Lunch Bunch will be back at the Samaritan Inn the last Saturday of each month starting in September.

  • We will be serving 3 dinners this fall for Shiloh's Place AND collecting children's hats and gloves during the month of September for Babies and Booties Diaper bank.

That's just the beginning!

We will have sign up links attached during the last week of August so keep an eye out.

If you have any questions on any of our community partners please don't hesitate to either email Hands&Feet or give me a call on the office line, 972-548-7990.

I look forward to serving with you this fall and seeing how, with God's help, our ministry will grow.


Lisa Ostrowski

Outreach Director


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Seasons of Change