Happy New Years
Dear Friends,
It’s been a quiet week here in the office, and, with no activities scheduled and the clergy on vacation, I’ve found myself with a bit of time to relax and prepare for the upcoming year. I’m always thankful for when the week between Christmas and New Year’s stays uneventful, because I usually have a lot of office clean-up from the holidays to get done. And once things are put back in order, I try to take a moment to look ahead at what’s to come.
There are some great things on the horizon at St. Andrew’s. We’ll be launching three new class offerings soon: Financial Peace University, The Daughters of the King, and the Stations of the Cross. Supergroups are coming back this Spring, and we’re looking forward to new groups with new conversations that build new relationships. Bishop Sumner will be visiting soon to help us confirm a score of new confirmands. And we even have designs on writing a new Lenten devotional. And that’s just us getting started.
It's our prayer that in 2022 we’ll find ourselves with more chances to strengthen existing relationships and more opportunities to build new ones. And I figure the best way to make that happen is for all of us to get and stay involved. So, stay safe and warm this weekend, and I hope to see you at St. Andrew’s in 2022.
Grace and peace,
Tim Jenkins