Happy Epiphany

Dear Friends,

Happy Epiphany (that’s today, January 6th)!

As a liturgical holiday, Epiphany marks the revelation of Christ as Savior to the all the people of the world, not just to the Jews as God’s chosen people. That’s why traditionally Epiphany is the day we celebrate the Wise Men’s coming — being from “their own country” they represent the world beyond Israel, coming to know the Savior.

The Wise Men famously come to know the Light of the World by following the light of the star. A little light led to the true Light, which had come into the world.

Even as we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, we cannot escape the obvious truth that the star of the Wise Men, whatever it was, no longer shines. And yet the men and women and children of today who are searching for meaning, truth, hope — who are searching for God — they still need a light to follow. You and I are to be the light, not to lead people to ourselves, but to help illuminate the way to their Savior. God is always ready to reveal himself to those who come seeking him; let us help light the way!

In Christ,

Fr. Andrew


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