Been Bible Building All Week... See Pics

Dear Friends,

We've had a great week up here at the church with Bible Builders. This week have 32 Builders who have joined us, and made all sorts of wonderful things.

With all that's been going on, in lieu of writing a letter, I thought I'd share with you a few pictures from our week below.

Our hope and prayer (and I'll hope you'll make it yours too) is not just that we have fun, but that the stories that we build together get planted in our hearts and imaginations, where they will grow into wonder and faith at the love of God.

There's some great stuff coming up, so check out the announcements below. We're less than one month away from Blessing of the Backpacks, the Belize Dinner and Silent Auction, and much more as we begin to head into fall. Also, I hope you saw the announcement earlier this week about the 8 am service! The key details are repeated again below.

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew


Deacon Randy Nelson with us this Sunday


Progress update on C.L.I.M.B.