Sermons at St. Andrew’s
January 5, 2025 | The Rev. Logan Hurst
Jesus is Never Lost
Jesus is never lost. He is present within us, continuing his Father’s work and transforming our hearts and lives even when we feel distant from him.
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What are you looking for?
Jesus invites us to seek a deeper, eternal fulfillment in him, beyond the temporary satisfaction of our immediate needs.
The Economy of Heaven
God changes lives and spreads his grace through our faithful offerings.
Be Present
What is remarkable about Jesus is the way he sees the needs of the people around him and meets them, even when they don't recognize it themselves.
Yes, that means you.
It is the promise of the gospel that all things will be completed and gathered up to God.
Shake It Off
God's gift of love has more authority, has more power to change people's lives than any manner of rejection or indifference.
An Invitation to the Invisible
The invitation we extend is the same one that has been extended to us: an invitation to a relationship with Jesus Christ, who desires to be with us.