Sermons at St. Andrew’s
January 5, 2025 | The Rev. Logan Hurst
Jesus is Never Lost
Jesus is never lost. He is present within us, continuing his Father’s work and transforming our hearts and lives even when we feel distant from him.
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We Are All in the Same Boat
Jesus is always in the boat with us, even if it seems to us that he is sleeping on the job.
This Old House
God wants to transform your life; he wants to transform you as you were meant to be.
Believe It or Not
Accept the mystery of the Trinity as grace and receive it by faith as a gift from God.
Unifying Spirit and Redemptive Love
The Holy Spirit brings us the power of hope, continually pointing us back to Jesus and reminding us that all things work together for good for those who love God.
As We Are One
Jesus is asking that the oneness of us, of his disciples, would mirror the very oneness of God.