King of the Hill Playground

The game of “King of the Hill” may seem like a childhood pastime, but it mirrors how we often live our lives. Scrambling to the top, pushing others aside, and fighting to establish our own little kingdoms can consume us. Yet, on this Feast of Christ the King, we are reminded that there is only one true kingdom—the kingdom of God—and Jesus is already reigning as its king.

Through his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered the ultimate hill of Golgotha, inviting us to stop striving for worldly crowns and instead embrace his reign. His kingdom isn’t one of competition or self-promotion but of grace, love, and shared fellowship. To accept this invitation, we must let go of our own kingdoms—the dreams, fears, and pursuits that distract us—and turn fully toward the reign of Christ.

As we pray, “Thy kingdom come,” let us also whisper, “May I let my kingdom go.” In doing so, we discover a deeper truth: we are not just citizens of God’s kingdom; we are invited to stand with Christ in his kingship, sharing in the hope and joy he offers. This Advent season, may we let go of what holds us back and rejoice in the King who is already at the top, calling us to join him.

Reflection Questions

  1. What “kingdoms” are you striving to build in your life, and how do they distract you from God’s kingdom?

  2. How does recognizing Jesus as the true King bring peace to your heart and life?

  3. What does it look like for you to let go of your own pursuits and live into God’s reign?

  4. How can you share in Christ’s kingship by reflecting his love and grace to others?

  5. In what ways can you align your prayers and actions to the words, “Thy kingdom come?”


Wait for Christ. Grow in Love.


When Nothing is Stable, Trust Jesus