The Work of the People

Dear Friends,

Over the past three weeks, it has been exciting to see our worship team schedules fill up on the wall of the Great Hall. Since the beginning of August, most of our 9:00 service spots are filled and the 11:00 is on its way. Our corporate act of worship, also known as “The Liturgy,” is the work of the people, which has many moving parts. Coming together as the body of Christ each Sunday morning wouldn’t be possible without each of your contributions to our services. It is a great blessing to serve alongside each of you.

We wouldn’t ask each of you to serve without equipping you properly. With this being said, we are going to hold a training on September 9th from 1-2 p.m. This training is for both those that are just starting in your roles and for those of us that have been serving for years. This training is paramount to our common worship together. This allows us to practice moving fluidly through the services with confidence. Please plan on attending.

If you haven’t taken the opportunity to sign up to serve, it isn’t too late. Just contact the church office, and we can get you on to a team. We would love for everyone to join us in service to the people of St. Andrew’s and most importantly to our Lord. We will train you and make sure you are confident in your place of service.

See you all Sunday!

Peace and Grace,
Fr. Logan


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