The Multiply Campaign
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Three years ago we were in the middle of the Multiply Campaign. As many of you know from Sunday morning's service, we have reached the goal of ending that capital campaign completely debt free. We have built – and paid for – our building expansion, remodeling, and playground.
At the end of this summer we had an anonymous donor step forward to match all Multiply Campaign gifts through the end of the year. At the time, that meant we needed $33,719 in gifts (+ the matching funds) to pay our remaining debt. As of Sunday morning, we have received $41,041 in gifts!!
Thank you, and thanks be to God.
This means that as we plan our ministries and prepare our budget for 2022, we have a double blessing:
No capital campaign to which our parish is also giving.
No debt service from the building expansion to work into our budget.
I am exited about the opportunities for mission, service, worship and care that this opens up to us.
Getting to this point has been a shared work for the glory of God. Our Vestry at the time had the vision and courage to step out in faith, our Multiply Campaign committee helped us communicate the vision and raise the money, our Building Committee worked tirelessly to get this building built and us moved into it. And, most critically, all of you: over the course of the last three years, 166 families or individuals have given to our Multiply Campaign. Thank you.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew
PS: Just a note for clarity. The matching gift actually extends to $45,000, and gifts over and beyond the total needed to pay off our debt will be reserved to the church's building fund and approved for use by the vestry only to cover direct building or grounds expenses. So if you are still planning to pay off the balance of your Multiply Pledge before the campaign ends, we will still gratefully accept it and use it appropriately.