Supergroups Will Make Us More Super!

Dear Friends,

Yesterday I was talking to someone whose high school job was to put makeup on the deceased at a funeral home to prepare them for burial. And I mention this not to give you parents who have teenagers complaining about their first job some "It could be worse" ammunition in reply. No, I mention it because the love and care with which she spoke of that job showed that she'd viewed it as a sacred duty entrusted to her, something she was able to do because of her faith in Jesus.

I did not expect that on my Wednesday morning! And I know I would never have learned about that little part of her story in a fleeting conversation in the empty spaces around worship on a Sunday morning.

One of my prayers in this season for St. Andrew's is that we make the space to really learn about each other in this season. That's why we're launching St. Andrew's Supergroups this fall. That's why we really want you to take a few minutes right now and sign up.

Look, God has been very generous in his blessings to St. Andrew's, and the biggest blessing we have received is the blessing of one another. You have tremendous talents, experience, and wisdom – and yet we must be intentional about discovering those things in one another. When we do so, when we listen and learn and know each other better, we shall find that we are better able to love God, love one another, and love the world.

The reason to sign up for a Supergroup is not simply to meet new people and make friends. It's to strengthen the connections with in the body of Christ, and so to build our faith and love ever stronger.

Sign up! Groups will be formed in August; gatherings start in September.

Fr. Andrew


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