Pumpkin-Spiced Communion Wafers: Limited Time Only

Dear Friends,

How about pumpkin-spiced communion wafers for the month of October?

No. Not going to happen. Though if we had a digital sign out front, I’d totally run a test one week to see if advertising them brought in more visitors.

Fall reminds us, via a glut of pumpkin-spiced items that have no absolutely no business being pumpkin-spiced, that there is, in fact, such a thing as too much pumpkin-spice. Also, fall isn’t actually a flavor. It’s a season of harvest and thanksgiving, a taking stock of all the growth that has been happening this year. Fall is a time to be grateful for what God has done and what he has given us (And yes, fall is a time to occasionally enjoy things made with pumpkin that have been spiced appropriately).

I’m so grateful for what God has been doing here at St. Andrew’s: the recent growth we’ve seen over these early fall months; the new programs and classes and small groups, the new friendships and relationships forming between members, and the way the church has shown up in hard moments and hard place with grace and love. I’m grateful for you, and excited for our continuing “growing in grace” in the months and years to come.

That weather was intense last night, but thankfully fall weather showed up came just in time for fall break. I know that many of our families have plans to be traveling or doing other fun things this week. Be safe, go with God, and don’t forget about our online services ;)

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew


Your Cool Weather Prayers Have Been Answered


Blessing of the Animals Next Week