Moving into Spring with Hands&Feet
Hi Friends,
Participating in Holy Week was incredible. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I feel and experience so much more each year, so that at times I found myself overwhelmed with sadness, then on the Resurrection with so much joy! Truly a wonderful journey.
There is an exciting buzz with so much going on at St. Andrew's!
As I write this I hear the new Choir Director, Dr. Joe practicing. He sounds amazing! Our H&F calendar is filling up with so many opportunities for all, big and small!
Have you noticed our Hands and Feet bulletin board in the hallway outside the narthex? We will post pics and thank you notes of our partnerships and post calendars to let you know what to look forward to on the horizon. I am not a very crafty person, so if you have any suggestions on how to make it more helpful, feel free to share.
As you plan out your summer calendars know that we will take July and August off from the Samaritan Inn and other monthly partnerships. However, the FFF food distributions will continue.
I hope you all are having a joyous Easter week!
Lisa Ostrowski
Outreach Director