More Needs to Meet

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all the prayers and support this last week as the clergy wives got COVID. Stephanie ventured right past the “testing positive” stage and firmly into “quite sick,” but she has recovered well. The kids and I have continued feel good and test negative; thanks be to God. And Logan’s family is all well now.

I’m grateful to Mother Paulette and Tim for filling in last week on very short notice, and for all the lay leaders that helped make everything work. We have a great team here at St. Andrew's. What a blessing!

In the month of July our schedule at St. Andrew’s slows down slightly, except our commitment to be Christ’s Hands&Feet. This month we have our Men’s Fellowship Food Collection for the McKinney Little Free Pantry, our third-Wednesday Food Distribution, and our school supply drive for kids in need at Burks Elementary (our partner elementary school). Also, our youth are traveling to Kentucky to help with tornado relief on their annual mission trip, and we're getting ready (and collecting donations for) our dinner and auction benefitting our mission partners in Belize!

Finally, a word about the Men’s Fellowship Food Drive, since that’s this weekend (see the announcement below for the details): Both Lisa Ostrowski (our Hands&Feet coordinator) and I have noticed a marked uptick in requests for food and other assistance recently. I suspect that may be because the economic challenges are beginning to be felt (inflation hits the most vulnerable the hardest). In any case, it’s abundantly clear that drives like the one our men are hosting matter. They make it possible for us to meet the needs that are increasingly showing up at our doors. Thank you!

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew


Finding a Place to Serve


Do not be afraid.