Looking back at 2022
Dear Friends,
To do my part for the year-in-review video Tim is making for the annual meeting, I needed to go back through the photos of church events that ended up on my phone these past 12 months. There’s a lot missing from my own photo library, both because I don’t always take pictures, and because, though my participation in St. Andrew’s activities is above average, I’m hardly at all the things we do.
And still I was slightly overwhelmed at just how much there was.
We need to see the forest at times, rather than just look at trees. We take much of our life together as a parish one tree at a time — one Sunday service, one Hands&Feet event, one senior fellowship lunch. Being present to the moment is the way we move and work with the Spirit of God.
So, week by week we’re walking through the woods, trees all around us. The annual meeting is a spot on the trail where the path juts out onto a little ledge at the top of a high point, and suddenly we can look back and glimpse the whole forest at once.
It’s beautiful, encouraging, and powerful. I hope you’ll join us Sunday -- 10:15 am, between the services.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew