Come to Invite, Welcome, Involve
Dear Friends,
As part of reclaiming and living out our core value “Invite,” come to our adult series that begins this week between the services.
I was so struck, and proud, last Saturday at the funeral with the warmth and love of our congregation. It was a cold day, and a hard moment, and yet the care and welcome of our congregation was powerfully felt and revealed the presence of the Spirit.
Our Invite class, between the services on Sunday morning, will help you understand why, how, and to whom you can make an invitation to be a part of this wonderful place.
This is the first of our three part series, “Invite, Welcome, Involve.” My dream is for every adult in the parish to come be a part (we have Imagination Station for kids and Sunday Morning Experience for youth at the same time). Let’s run out of space in Michie Hall!
Invite is our first core value, and this year we are reclaiming it not just as a value but as an action. As I mentioned in my State of the Church address on Sunday, St. Andrew’s is a great place. Other people deserve the opportunity to come and follow Jesus here. But they do need an invitation.
I hope you’ll respond to mine. Hope to see you on a bright, dry, and much warmer Sunday.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew