Join Us in Serving Our Community

As we embark on this new year filled with hope and expectations, I encourage you to consider adding an outreach opportunity to your schedule. God has called each of us to be his hands and feet in our community, helping, supporting, and encouraging our neighbors. Your involvement is essential to keeping this ministry strong. Many of you have shared with me that one of the reasons you chose St. Andrew’s is because of our commitment to outreach and community service. Therefore, I invite you to get involved and be inspired!

There are numerous ways to participate, whether through your time, talents, or treasures—perhaps even all three! This Sunday, you’ll find a six-month schedule on the bulletin board in the kitchen hallway. Please take a moment to see what aligns with your calendar and abilities.

We are thrilled to announce an exciting partnership this year with Habitat for Humanity. On March 1st, we will be working on a special build on Green St. in McKinney. This home will be dedicated to Jimmy Carter, the heart of Habitat! You can join us on March 1st at the building site or assist at Habitat’s store for the day. (click here to volunteer)

As John 3:17-18 reminds us: "If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” If you have any questions, please reach out to me at



Annual Meeting 10 am Sunday


Who is God on a Snow Day?