Growing Spiritually in 2023

Dear Friends,

As I look to this new year, as I'm sure most of us do, I personally consider what I can do better. I plan to implement better eating habits, better exercise routines, better hydration, and to even strive for better sleep! But what I typically overlook is ways in which I can grow and be better spiritually. It's one thing to take care of oneself physically - but how about spiritually?

One of the ways I plan to grow in devotion is by performing small acts of kindness each day in order to best use my time, resources, and spirit. Now, I realize that the main purpose of my job is doing acts of kindness as part of the Hands&Feet ministry, however I also want to carry those acts throughout my life, not just at the office. I think this is one of the things about St Andrew's that I love so much, for there are many of you who, by example, show small and large faithful acts of kindness each and every day! You are an inspiration to me and to all around you!

Along with the small acts, we also have room with some big things happening at the church. We have the spring Hands&Feet calendar set for the next few months. If one of your "better" things is to plan and give of your time, we offer some new and continuing opportunities to volunteer below. Please let us know if you will be joining in and supporting these initiatives by signing up today via the links provided. It is helpful for us to know ahead of time how many volunteers we have for each event in order to plan appropriately. Remember that many hands make light work, which helps us all "Be Better."

Wishing good health and joy to you all for this new year!



The Things We All Share


Principal Feasts and Other Feasts in 2023