Celebrate All Saints’ Sunday

Dear Friends,

The Sunday-morning-part of our Treasure in Heaven annual stewardship campaign is now over. This week there will be no treasure box reveals during the sermon, no cards in the bulletin, and no stewardship videos from your fellow parishioners.

Instead, this Sunday is a great feast day in the life of the church, All Saints’ Sunday. It’s feast that focuses our attention on the people whose lives have been given to build up Christ’s Church, and it’s a wonderful feast to have right after our Treasure in Heaven campaign is over.

That whole campaign we focused chiefly on what God has been doing (the treasures) and on the resources (the stewardship) that make it possible. While all that is encouraging and true, Christ’s Church is ultimately not made up of results or of resources, but of people. As the children’s choir will sing at the 9:00 am service, “the saints of God are just folk like me.” I hope you’ll make a point of celebrating this high holy day with us, either in-person or online.

Check out all the good stuff coming up. In particular there are lots of ways to do some saintly things with Hands&Feet this month, like our Angel Tree which will be full on Sunday morning and ready for you to adopt some angels.

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew

It’s also the last Sunday before the mid-term elections, so of course we will go to God in prayer for our country, our leaders, and our election.


Hands&Feet Holiday Highlights


The Final Treasure in Heaven Sunday