A Wonderful All Saints' Celebration Sunday


This coming Sunday is no ordinary Sunday! We're observing the feast of All Saints' – one of the high and holy days of the Church. But as a feast day of the Church, All Saints' is uniquely self-reflective in that it's about the Church, about the communion of saints (all of them) spread throughout the ages.

On this particular Sunday there are two special things happening: (1) baptisms - one at each service and (2) the dedication of the Columbarium at St. Andrew's. Our worship stretches from new birth in the Church through the waters of baptism all the way through to the laying to rest of the departed.

We'll also be remembering the names of the departed who are dear to us during Holy Communion, as well as praying a special blessing prayer for our Veterans (this actually doesn't have to do with All Saints, but rather with Veterans Day next week).

There are few opportunities where we can so concretely celebrate the wholeness of life God offers to his Church. I really hope you'll be a part of it.

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew


Happy Thanksgiving from St. Andrew's


An Invite from Mthr. Paulette to Hidden Springs on Saturday