Tim Jenkins

Email: timj@standrewsmckinney.org

Tim became full-time staff at St. Andrew’s in July of 2021. As Welcome and Communications Minister, Tim’s role includes both ministry and operational responsibilities, overseeing the areas of involvement and communication for the parish. He also participates as a member of the Praise Band for the contemporary music service at St. Andrew's.

Tim is married to Stephanie, who leads the Praise Band, and they have 3 great kids and a dog (who is too smart for his own good). When Tim isn’t at church, he is attending youth baseball games, dance recitals, youth theater productions, or shuttling his kids around to look for Pokemon cards.

Prior to St. Andrew’s, Tim served as the Associate Minister over youth and family at Cornerstone Christian Church in Farmer's Branch, the Director of Youth Ministry at First United Methodist Rowlett, and nearly two years as a missionary in San Raymundo, Guatemala.

Tim grew up in Houston before attending Dallas Christian College (B.A. Biblical Studies & Preaching) and Johnson University (partially completed M.A. – New Testament & Preaching). He is currently pursuing a MDiv at Wycliffe University.

In 2006, Tim was ordained in the Independent Christian Church at Northside Christian Church in Spring, TX. In 2023, Tim began the discernment process for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church. In August 2024, he was made a postulant in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas.