The Holy Spirit Goes Before

St. Andrew’s Family,

This Sunday is one of our major feast days in the church, Pentecost! It’s going to be a great day celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit. In celebration we will be having a Pentecost parish breakfast between services. So, stick around after the first service or come a little early and enjoy a time of fellowship, delicious breakfast tacos, fruit, and yogurt. Also, it is traditional to wear red on Pentecost. And since you'll all be matching, you can take a family picture in our dedicated photo area.

In other news, our summer camps are filling up. We are so excited about our Monumental Vacation Bible School where our campers will be learning about God’s greatness and our Bible Builder’s Camp where builders will be learning about how God saves. The best part about these camps is that we know the Holy Spirit has gone before us to prepare the best experience for our young ones. If you haven’t registered your children yet, do not fret! There is still time. Just click here and register today.

See you Sunday!

Peace and Grace,
Deacon Logan


Share Kindness this Summer


Happy Ascension Day!