Reasons to Make the Annual Meeting
Dear Friends,
The weather forecast calls for it to be 29 degrees when our 2024 Annual Meeting gets underway this Sunday at 10:15 am. As a matter of governance there are reports to be made and elections to be held and important announcements to be heard at that meeting — and those may get some of you here in the 29 degrees of cold. We will also have special handmade breakfast treats (and extra coffee) — if you’ve been blessed by these before, perhaps at last year’s annual meeting, the promise of those might help you brave the weather. And then the world-premiere of our 2023 Year-in-Review Slideshow will cap off the meeting — that’s worth getting the winter coat out of the closet, right?
But the best reason to make the Annual Meeting is that it is time for us to look back at the past year, to see the goodness of the Lord, and celebrate with one another all that God is doing at St. Andrew’s. It’s a time to align our aspirations and hopes, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
You should know too that the church is nice and warm, even when it’s very cold out. This is the season to be glad that we don’t have a big, beautiful stone building full of stained glass and hallowed with the prayers of the saints over the centuries. Those buildings are cold and drafty. We will be nice and warm — both at worship, and at our annual meeting.
In Christ,
Fr. Andrew