How Will You Shine Christ’s Light?

This past Sunday we celebrated The Presentation, or Candlemas. We remembered Simeon and Anna and how they rejoiced to meet the savior of the world. Simeon called Jesus “a light to lighten the nations.”

In our adult formation, we continue our series of speakers, drawn from members of St. Andrew’s, as they share how they show the light of Christ to a world that is desperately in need of a savior. Our senior lunch on February 20 will connect to this theme as well; Ruth Thompson, founder of Hugs Cafe, will be speaking to us about her ministry to the special needs community.

I have been inspired by the stories we have heard already, and I know that they are only a sample of the many ways that members here minister outside the church walls. Perhaps you have been inspired by the ministry of one of our speakers, or by someone else at St. Andrew’s and are thinking about what plans God has for you in this season of your life.

In a month, Lent will be upon us, and we will enter into a more penitent and reflective season, an ideal time to listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit and think about where God is leading us. On that note, I would like to invite you for a Quiet Day on March 8, from 10 am – 1 pm, for a morning of contemplation and reflection, followed by a light lunch and fellowship. We will also have Wednesday dinners and discipleship beginning March 12, as we discuss Seculosity by David Zahl, an exploration of modern culture and the "gods" we often worship without realizing it.

Deacon Erica


Prayer, Fellowship, and Buc-ees


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