How Hands&Feet has “Grown in Grace”
Hi Friends,
As I reflect on this time of stewardship and look forward to our Growing in Grace finale Sunday this week, I would like to share with you the amazing work that your time, talent, and treasure has allowed our Hands and Feet ministry to accomplish so far this year.
We have fed over 2,400 of our neighbors between our food distributions and our serving at the Samaritan Inn.
The students at Burks Elementary have had field day treats, shoes and clothing, school supplies, food for the weekend, and support from mentors and readers.
Your generosity also provides Thanksgiving meals and Christmas presents for those families in need at Burks.
The teachers of Burks have had lunch, treats, and help with supplies.
We have helped Shiloh Place with spring and fall yard clean-ups, have cleaned apartments for new families, and have supplied children with school supplies and lunch boxes.
Our Baggie Brigade has repackaged countless items for the McKinney Little Free Pantry and has donated thousands and thousands of feminine products, laundry detergent pods, and snacks.
We launched a new afterschool program, C.L.I.M.B., that sees around 30 children at the Merritt McGowan apartments each Tuesday and Thursday. It has become a safe and inviting place for them to spend the afternoon while stretching their bodies and minds.
These are just some of the many ways your generosity helps our neighbors! So, I ask you to continue praying that our work as Jesus’ Hands and Feet continues to grow in our community. Pray that we do all we can to increase our resources in order to support this great community we live in.
With Gratitude,