Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Lyrics from Liturgy of St James, paraphrased by Gerard Moultrie
This is a hymn sung by someone who has already turned their heart to God. “Our full homage to demand” is the song of someone already yearning to know, love and be loved by God. It is descriptive of how we Earthlings gaze on the Holy. We are in awe of how we experience the mystery of the sacred because Christ the divine has become flesh and blood; been born of Mary. While this hymn has Advent themes of Christ coming it speaks more fully to Christ continually coming and being present; to feed us in the Eucharist.
I love this hymn and use it as a part of my personal devotions at Adoration and the liturgy of Benediction. It is my Alleluia, my joy, love, praise of the Holy that has come to me. I love its call to be silent and stand in awe of the Lord; to be quiet and be in the presence of terror, awe, and majesty; to worship that which is more than what I can comprehend.