Sermons at St. Andrew’s
January 12, 2025 | The Rev. Andrew Van Kirk
How Baptism Changes Everything
God claims us as beloved children in baptism, transforming our lives and calling us to live out our identity in His love and light.
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Jesus and I had Enough
I didn't have enough, but I gave it to Jesus, and Jesus and I together, we had enough.
The World Changing Power of a Holy Life
Commit yourself to the call of Christ, no matter the cost, and we’ll change the world.
Tax Collectors Stink
We have to strive to constantly love even our enemies in this country, the one’s we disagree with, in a way that mirrors the ability of Jesus to look out on a crowd full of bad ideas and wrong decisions and love them anyway.
Instructed Eucharist
Why do we do the things we do during a worship service? This Instructed Eucharist aims to answer many of those questions.
The Anointed of God
It isn't until we let go and rest in our faith, that we have been ordained into in the waters of baptism, that we begin to see the miracle God has promised us.
Does she think my budget spreadsheet is sexy?
Should we fail to do the work of "farming" the kingdom, then there will be hearts in which the kingdom of God never sprouts and grows.