a faith for all ages

Worship Times

8 am | 9 am | 11 am

(join us in-person and online)

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March 23, 2025 | The Rev. Andrew Van Kirk

God extends grace and time for repentance, calling us to reorient our lives toward him and bear fruit.

More sermons

Discipleship for all Ages

Sundays @ 10:15 am (nursery available)

  • Imagination Station

    A new adventure each week for kids to discover God's word using science, art, music, and movement.

  • Youth Sunday Morning Experience

    A chance for youth to talk about and explore topics through the lens of scripture using videos, music, and creative tools to engage the love of God.

  • HODOS: Lenten Small Groups

    5-week small groups during Lent to reflect on Lenten worship and scriptures and share where you’ve encountered God. Open to all—whether new to faith or walking this path for years.

Planning a visit?

Welcome to St. Andrew’s

At St. Andrew’s we seek to build relationships that lead to Christ. We know, because we’ve experienced it, that when we love one another as Christ loves us (or do the best we can), we grow closer to Him. Our relationships with one another, and with the broken and hurting world, bring us ever more deeply into relationship with God.

Learn what to expect your first Sunday.

What is Lent?

It was the practice of Early Christians to observe “a season of penitence and fasting” in order to prepare for Easter. This season has become known as Lent. Lent is forty days long, not counting Sundays, extending from Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, through Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.

Every week in Lent there are activities on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays to enhance your faith and draw you nearer to God. Join us in the observance of a holy Lent.

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Holy Week & Easter

By his death he has destroyed death, and by his rising to life again he has won for us everlasting life.

Join us as we, following the practice of Christians for nearly two-thousand years, gather ourselves to remember and celebrate the events leading up to our Lord's passion, his death, and then his glorious resurrection.

Join us for services on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.

Learn more

Children's Summer Events

Children's Summer Events



